Seminars from your International Rescue Service
A primary cardiac arrest affects children considerably faster than adults. The reason for a cardiac arrest mostly is a typical consequence of a progressive degradation of the cardiovascular or respiratory function. As the outcome of a paediatric cardiac arrest still remains bad, great importance has to be attached to the detection and the appropriate treatment of a respiratory insufficiency, of a choc and a respiratory arrest as well to the prevention of a progression leading to a cardiac arrest.
The PALS-Provider Training Course (Advanced Paediatric Life Support) has been developed for medical professional personnel having a managing or participating function at pediatric emergency interventions within or outside the clinic. After presentation of a simulated case with a real patient by video, it will be first discussed how to proceed and then extensively practiced in a team. In order to be well prepared for the emergency case, you pass through different scenes as a team member and as team leader.
Contents of the twelve scenes to pass :
- Four cardiac scenes (asystole, PEA, pVT/VF, bradycardia/tachycardia)
- Four respiratory scenes (upper and lower obstruction of airways, parenchymal lung disease, respiratory regulation disorders)
- Four shock scenes(hypovolemic obstructive, septic and cardiogenic shock)
The training manual will be sent to each participant minimum four weeks before beginning of the course for individual preparation. The final examination according to the guidelines 2010 will be in English. Course language is possible English and German.
The course is specially intended for :
- Emergency and intensive care personnel
- Physicians
- Paramedics
- Anaesthesia staff
Schedule of the course and fees: upon request
The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.